

KN Literary Arts: Journaling Ideas That Will Make You a Better Writer Writing It Forward: Keeping a Journal Makes You a Better Writer Here are a few I came across in my research: There are many articles on the benefits of keeping a journal.

  • A writer’s journal is a place to process your thoughts and ideas specific to your writing.
  • You can keep notes and process thoughts on the book or story you’re working on.
  • everywriter

    Journaling helps you gain the sense of commitment needed to be a successful writer.Journaling inspires productivity and sparks creativity.Keeping a journal gets you in the habit of writing regularly, which will, in turn, get you working on your writing projects on a more regular basis.


  • The more you write, the better your writing will become (a tried and true statement most writers believe in).
  • I began investigating what others have to say about the benefits of writers keeping a journal, and what appeared most often was that keeping a journal makes you a better writer. She admits that her journaling is “disorganized” but says, “The act of putting it down helps me remember.” For new writers, she recommends a “writer’s journal” that can be used over the years “to trace the growth of yourself as a writer.” Journaling Can Be an Invaluable Tool for Writers She also has a journal for the research she gathers when she is working on a book.


    (you can check out some of her illustrations on her website here). She has her “nature” journal – where she draws stunning illustrations of birds and little notes about each species. I’m currently taking a Master Class with Amy Tan, and she has the most beautiful-looking journals! The way she talks about how she uses her journals in her writing process made me rethink the possibility of keeping one of my own. Or would reigning it in – organizing it – squelch my creative process? Journaling is what you make it. I can’t help but wonder if a journal would be the way to reign all this in. I use all of these to control the random ideas that pop into my head.


    When I’m creating a story or an article, I have sticky notes everywhere, random Word documents with bits and pieces of information, and a notepad full of my scribbles. Plus, I’ve always thought of journaling as a diary of sorts, but then I started seeing the phrase “writer’s journal.” This type of journaling seems more focused on keeping your current WIP organized or helping to track ideas for future pieces you might want to create. I’ve always felt that if I spent my time journaling, I would never get down to the act of laboring over whatever project I had in the works. I am not the only writer with an “office supply” fetish…. Mine would have the perfect heft, the proper spacing of the lines on the page, and maybe even a supple leather cover. When I think of journaling, I become more fixated on purchasing one than the actual act of writing in one. Oh, I’ve tried journaling in the past, but I never stick with it (and I’ve had trouble in the past “sticking with” my writing…read on, and you’ll see why the two may go hand in hand). I feel like this is a deep dark secret that I should not share with the world. I have a confession to make, I’m a writer, and I don’t keep a journal.
